Fedor Vucemilovic
Artist Statements / Biographies, Fedor Vucemilovic - Montag, Oktober 6, 2008 12:53 - 0 Comments
Fedor Vucemilovic – Biography
Fedor Vučemilović rođen je u Splitu 18. lipnja 1956. Diplomirao je na Akademiji dramskih umjetnosti u Zagrebu na Odsjeku za filmsko i TV snimanje. Od 1975. do 1978. član je neformalne Grupe šestorice autora s kojom organizira izložbe i akcije te pokreće časopis-katalog Maj 75. Po vokaciji Vučemilović je multimedijalni autor. Njegov rad uklučuje film, fotografiju i video (kratki igrani, dokumentarni, reportaže, putopisi, eseji o drugim umjetnicima, spotovi). Živi i djeluje u Zagrebu.
Fedor Vučemilović was born in Split on 18 June, 1956. He graduated from the Academy of Dramatic Arts in Zagreb, Department of Cinematography. From 1975 to 1978 he was a member of the Group of Six with whom he organized exhibitions-actions and started the magazine-catalogue Maj 75. By vocation Vučemilović is a multimedia author. His work includes film, photography and video (short feature films, documentaries, reports, travel videos, photo-essays on other authors, promotional videos). He lives and works in Zagreb.