Davide Skerlj – Biography

Born in Trieste (Italy) on 02.08.1963

1986    Diploma in Painting, Academy of Fine Arts, Venice, Italy

1998    The Foundation Center’s education programme (non profit activities), New York
1996    Downtown community Center (video project), New York

2007-08    Immigration service.
Artistic director of the theme project “Sewing in Italian”, open to girls from 14 to 18 years of age. Municipality of Venice Mestre, Italy
2006    Palinsesti, artistic intervention in cooperation with Progetto Giovani of San Vito al Tagliamento (as an invited artist to the exhibition between contemporary art production and young people historical-cultural substratum). San Vito al Tagliamento, Pordenone, Italy
2002-05    Former Mental Hospital, painting and artistic activities teacher, course for patients of the Mental Health Department. Trieste, Italy
Former Mental Hospital, Pavilion H, artistic director of the theme project “Memory before internment”, for patients of the Mental Health Department, on behalf of Agenzia Sociale 2001. Trieste, Italy
2002-03     ENAIP, training centre of Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, theatre stage design teacher (workshop for patients of the Mental Health Department), for the show “The life and work of Semmelweis”. Trieste, Italy
1994-98    8-Floor Gallery, New York, supervision of contemporary art projects in the social field on behalf of A. Lubelsky. New York, U.S.A.
1993-94    Former Mental Hospital, art teacher at the literacy course for patients of the Mental Health Department, Local education authority, Trieste, Italy
1988    Laboratorio P, exhibition on the therapeutic effect of artistic activities and on the activities performed. Theatre of Bremen, Germany
1985-91    Former Mental Hospital, Laboratorio P, visual arts, artist under the coordination of the artist P. Rosati; courses and workshops on the integration of mental illnesses.  Mental Health Department. Trieste, Italy

2006    Numero Diciannove (Number Nineteen, video documentation, 5:50 min.). 19 is a road number in via San Marco in Trieste, where is the seat of a residence project for young people. It is an experimental video. Trieste, Italy
1996-97    Parco San Osvaldo (video archive, 5:50 min.), in cooperation with the sociologist Kirsten Duisberg, making of a video on the rights of the ill, as an opportunity for meeting inside the park. Udine, Italy
1996-97    Eco macchine (video archive, 7:50 min.), video documentation of an exhibition held inside the area of the Former Mental Hospital, for “Laboratorio P”. Trieste, Italy
1994-97    Laboratorio P, visual arts, on the integration of mental illnesses by the Health Service. Making of documentary videos, in cooperation with the artist P. Rosati and the photographer T. Neppi, on the workshop artistic activities. Former Mental Hospital, Trieste, Italy

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