
The activities that deBuren organises are very diverse: from readings and debates on book presentations to seminars and exhibitions. However, they all have one thing in common: deBuren’s programme is aimed at revealing the beauty and wisdom of the Low Countries to the general public. Although most of our activities are conducted in Dutch, there are times when either an English or French-speaking event has been programmed. In which language our activities are to be held is mentioned on our website and in our (Dutch-language) folder.

The Flemish and Dutch governments together took the initiative of founding the Flemish-Dutch Centre, ‘deBuren’, as a cultural institution and a place for debate and reflection where people take the time to both listen and talk to each other. deBuren is intended to offer a forum for the art, culture, society and politics of the Low Countries and Europe in the Belgian capital. Consult the ‘Programme’ section on this site to find out more about the various activities at deBuren.

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