Noemi Satta – Biography

Experiences of marketing for culture and territory:
Cultural planning and territory development: territory, culture and museum marketing, as free lance consultant and in networks with various institutions and operative structures ( since July 2000 to nowadays)

Some curated interventions:
•    Podcast (audiodocumentary) for Galleria Parmeggiani, Musei Civici of Reggio Emilia (on going)
•    Guide lines for communication of Oltrepo Pavese wine for Formaper-CCIAA Milan ( January 08)
•    Communication plan for “Education and Research Area” for the association Fabio Sassi of Merate (LC) (June2007-January 2008)
•    Strategic coaching on inside communication for Consorzio Camù (Museums and art centre) of Cagliari (March-July 2007)
•    Consultancy and method training on the partecipatory approach for an ecomuseum project (Cagliari; Laconi, Sardegna) commissionated by Consorzio Camù for FC consulting Group inside the  major project IFTS “Cooperation and integration in the tourism of strong and weak areas” (February 2007 July 2007)
•    Consultancy of cultural and territory marketing funded by Sviluppo Italia-Liguria, for MEDI’. Fragments of Mediterranean: marketing plan and territory development for the project “Templari. Thetre, history, territory” and study of the pilot case for Forenza (Pz) in collaboration with APT Basilicata and Comune di Forenza. (May-July2006, December2006)
•    Consultancy for the development of tools for territory marketing for Camera di Commercio of Verbano Cusio Ossola (February 2006)
•    Strategic scenarios for the development of Villas and Gardens of Brianza, for Castles and Villas of  Lombardia commissioned by Province of Monza and Brianza (Autumn 2005-February 2006)
•    Methodological support to the project for Touristic System of Castles and Villas in Lombardia, for Castles and Villas of Lombardia, (Autumn 2005)
•    Workshops fon an integrated tourism for enterpreneurs of “green and cultural tourism” of the mountain community of west and east Modena (inside the Laboratorio Appennino Modenese) (Autumn 2005)
•    Training programs and workshops (on marketing, quality and partecipation) for Laboratorio Appenino modenese, Modena Formazione, Province of Modena (Autumn 2005)
•    Research on quality of tourism in Appennino modenese, Modena Formazione, Province of Modena 2005
•    Research-reconnaissance for the creation of the parks of Memory and Water on Appennino             Modenese, Laboratorio Appennino Modenese, Modena Formazione, Province of Modena 2005
•    Support to the creation of communication tools for the project of territory marketing in Pavia, commissionated by Formaper, special agency of C.C.I.A.A.,  Milan 2005
•    Segmentation of public of the territory of the province of Verbania Cusio Ossola (Lago Maggiore), commissionated by Formaper, special agency of  C.C.I.A.A.  Milan,  2005
•    Cure of the books on researches on Appennino modenese, published in November 2004
•    Research on “Rural Tourism”, on “Excellence cases and good practices in the promotion and valorization of tourism in Emilia Romagna”, “Tourism: strategic planning and operative reality”Laboratorio Appennino, planned, coordinated, followed up to the presentation of results 2003
•    Partecipatory investigation, labor@museo, at National Museum of Science and Technology of Milan, 2002
•    Cultural marketing auditing, Province of Treviso and ethnographic museum Case Piavone 2002, Civic Museum of Natural History, Verona and Museum Network of  Altovicentino, Vicenza 2001/2002
•    Marketing plan of the area of Vignola (Modena), Modena Formazione, Province of Modena 2000/2001
•    Sector analysis in publishing field for  Vox, audiobooks 2000

Experiences of participatory planning:
Creation and  planning of activities lead with partecipatory method in the field of territory animation and of community tourism, of sensibilization and diffusion of knowledge on social thematics and public art (social observation and transformation through art or creative methods). Consultant and mediator in projects of partecipatory development and of planning from bottom lead with modality P.L.A. (Participatory Learning Action).

Some curated interventions:
•    Consultant in partecipatory methods for the project  AS-TIDE, Art for Social Transformation and Intercultural Dialogue in Europe, Fondazione Pistoletto Cittadellarte, (November 2007-on going)
•    Plan of sensibilization and communication for the project Hakuna Matata for the Association Fabio Sassi for the palliative cures. Technics of moderation and partecipation to widespread the knowledge of palliative cures and sensibilization of the territory of action of the Association. Fabio Sassi Association, Merate LC (September 2006, January 2008)
•    Collaboration with the group Partecipazione, for the development of a partecipatory plan of reevaluation of Cascina Cuccagna, Milan. Cooperativa Cuccagna (October 2006, on going)
•    Creative Workshop of partecipatory exploration of the territory in the project Patterns-Istanbul, commissionated  by Love Difference- Fondazione Pistoletto  Biella, Istanbul, 5-9 December 2006
•    Ideation and reaIization of the activities of public art and participation of the Love Difference office in Milan promoted by Cittadellarte – Fondazione Pistoletto  Biella (June 2005, on going)
–    10 June 2006, Love Difference inside IsolaArt&CommunityCenter, Laboratory „A wood of people, a wood of ideas“, workshop of sensorial experiences inside the project Passatempo (July 2006, on going)
–    Collective exhibition “The needs of an island” with the preliminary results of the project Passatempo, 28 February-16 March 2006, Stecca degli artigiani, Milan
–    Collective exhibition “People’s choice” from 27/03/06, Stecca degli artigiani, Milano
•    Project of diffusion of information and participation for the Courmayeur Foundation, 2004
Second classified project for the assignation of the research project on diffusion of information on the services of Region Valle d’Aosta, for the involvement and partecipation of territory.
•    Nurri (Sardinia), P.L.A. (participatory learning  action), November 2004 and 2001
External consultant for the project of participatory development and planning from bottom dealt with methods of participatory development in Nurri. Assistant in the organization of the campaign week P.L.A., animator of the local development (qualitative interviews , group mediation,  group interviews and meetings, elaboration and presentation of the results)

Experiences as trainig planner  and teacher:
Planner and trainer in the field of  partecipatory development, cultural and territory marketing,  business writing. I ideate and develop courses and training models, didactic practices and materials, virtual communities curated on line (since March 2000  to nowadays, on going)

Training organizations:
Some training organizations: Modena Formazione (Modena), Cuoa (Vicenza), National Museum of Science and Technology (Milan), Ceses (Milan), ETAss (Seregno), University of Bologna, Political Sciences, Department of Sociology, Mag (Verona), Formaper (Milan), Academy of Design (Milan), Bergamo Formazione, Iref (Milan), Enaip (Milan), Fitzcarraldo Foundation (Turin), Giorgio Cini Foundation (Venezia), Ial (Brescia), Isforcoop Sviluppo Italia Liguria (Genova), Isforcoop (Cagliari), Ecipar (Rimini), II University of Architecture, Politecnics of Turin, University of Political Sciences, University of Pisa

University of Pisa
Faculty of Literatures and Filosophy, Degree Course on Modern Literature, specialization in italianistca  with thesis on  “Alessandro Verri, literary activity and journalistic commitment”.
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XIX Master in Europlanning, Venice, 13-17/06/05
International workshop “Participatory Processes for Community and Regional Development”, Fiesch (Switzerland), 12-16/10/2004

“Teaching with mental maps”, 2003, on line course
“Forms and technics of electronic writing”, 2002, on line course

“Corse of English Language”, upper intemediate, 2002-3. English First Certificate.
“Master on Critics and Writing workshop”, 2000-2001, 120 hours
„Technics of cultural and business tourism management  in the region Lombardia“, 1999-2000, 600 hours

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