Susanne Schweiger – Biography
personal data & job career:
1977: born in Tamsweg, Salzburg
1996/97: 1 year abidance in Paris
1997: back to vienna to study art & graphics at the vienna art school
1999: work as graphic designer in promotion agency
2000: got resposible for the first € 300.000,- campaign
2001: finishing study with the diploma in graphics & design, Vienna
2002: founding my own promotion agency, Velden / Carinthia
2003: became art director at Park communications, Graz / Styria
2005: graphic designer for Red Bull, Fuschl / Salzburg
since 2006: art director at Kufferath, Graz / Styria
1998: „Installationen“ celeste, Vienna
1998: founding the „Atelier im Karner“, Ossiach / Carinthia
1998: exhibition of paintings in the „Atelier im Karner“, Ossiach / Carinthia
1999: exhibition of paintings at the soho, Villach / Carinthia
1999: winner of the etching-price, Vienna
2000: „“ in the celeste, Vienna
2000: creating a children‘s book with
2000: „“, Murau / Styria
2001: etching-presentation art school, Vienna
2004: „Ohne Worte“ paintings combined with an pantomime performance, Murau / Styria
2005: „beings“ Centraal, Graz / Styria
2005: design for cover bags,Vienna
2006: „pappets“ (paintings) presented with a lightening installation, Stadl/Mur / Styria
2006: 299-puzzle-picture for the rolling stones concert, Vienna
2006: book-projekt in the Vinzi-Dorf, Graz / Styria
2007: „alles Schweiger“ collective exhibition, Murau / Styria
2007: creating the first 3-dimensional pappets (skulptures)
2008: founding the „atelier mur“, Murau / Styria
2008: paint-performance at the „Shakespear in Styria Festival“, Murau / Styria
teaching positions:
since 2006: „handmade soap“ Schloss St. Martin, Graz / Styria
since 2006: „handmade soap“ VHS, Graz / Styria
since 2007: the trade of selfmade paper, Schloss St. Martin, Graz / Styria
since 2007: „handmade soap“ Urania, Graz / Styria
since 2008: creative paper jewels, atelier mur, Murau / Styria
since 2008: anatomie & nude drawing, atelier mur, Murau / Styria