Susanne Schweiger – Statement
Cogitations & questions to H.E.I.M.A.T.
Everyone has his own picture, association, conception and motivation of HEIMAT. One of the most individual feeling one can have. Even brothers and sisters have different emotions to HEIMAT and though you can surely dispose it into different categories or even races. Europeans, Africans, Asian, Indian, Christians, Buddhists, Moslems, Hindus and all the others. If this wont be, no one would ever stay, for example, in Afghanistan, where war is the rule and children die everyday from bomb attacs, lose their feed in minefields. How can you ever go back to that misery? Because it is your HEIMAT? So what does it mean to the individual or is it not an individual thing? More the coherence and the responsibility for each other, for the family, to your religion?
I have the feeling, that HEIMAT gets more and more imortant the less u have. Cause this is at least all you have. Unimaginable how it must be to lose not even your belongings but also your HEIMAT. What keeps you alive. The hope to go back to your HEIMAT once, or the wish to get a similar emotion of HEIMAT in another country, with other people?
Is heimat an emotional thing a wish or a memory to something that is long time gone? A smell of one familial moment – with a longlasting, never comparable impression. Or could HEIMAT be always with you, in yourself. No matter where you are cause it‘s neither focused to people nor to places.
Does it end or does it start with birth? This intense connection to mother, to earth to innocence? When you are asleep you often take an embryo position again – a symbol for what you really are expecting and hoping for? Maybe. We will see. Hopefully.